Virtual Gallery

Wish You Were Here: a collaborative project between book artists–coast to coast
San Diego Book Arts invited its members, and those of six other book arts organizations, to come together to CELEBRATE “WHERE YOU LIVE”through a hand-crafted USPS-compliant postcard exchange and freestyle bookmaking project. This was a one-of-a-kind opportunity to share our love, perception, or impression of where we live, a place we likely got to know inside and out this past year, with fellow book artists. This was a fun way to welcome fellow artists into our homes, yards, neighborhoods, cities, regions, and states.
Roughly 60 members of San Diego Book Arts joined members of Bay Area Book Artists, Northern Redwoods Book Arts Guild, Puget Sound Book Artists, PaperWorks, Santa Fe Book Arts Group and the New England Book Artists for a total of 173 book artists who created and mailed their own original postcards and then created a books celebrating what they received. Now you can take your own virtual journey through their abode or environs–from the Pacific Coast through the Southwest and up into New England by viewing the Virtual Gallery of the project.
Wish You Were Here Artist’s Presentations
WYWH Sharing Presentation 1 Aug 27, 2021. Presenters in order of appearance: Bonnie Thompson Norman; Virginia Phelps; Gina Pisello; Karen O’Neal; Vicky DeLong; Susan Agnew; Jie Tian; Charlotte Carpentier; Laurel Moorhead.
WYWH Sharing Presentation 4 Sept 2, 2021. Presenters in order of appearance: Krista Neis; Maria Dolores Bolivar; Rebecca Ganz; Geri Michelli; Dorothy McCuistion; Katherine Niven; Maria Rebelo; Barbara Ruys; & Connie Woodhead.
WYWH Sharing Session 5 Sep 7, 2021. Presenters: Debbie Gerrish; Gail Murray; Lynne Olsen; Elissa Campbell; Nancer Ballard; Nancy Kazanjian; Becky Frehse; & Jan Dove.
WYWH Sharing Presentation 6 Sept 8, 2021. Presenters in order of appearance: Alice Apley; Alice Stanne; Cristina Hajosy; Fran McReynolds; Jessie Wing; Karen Beery; Rochelle Gandour-Rood; Yvonne Perez-Collins; & Lorraine Crowder.

A Collaboration of Postcard Art
A Wish You Were Here catalogue is available online.
The Traveling Book Project
The Traveling Book Project is a collaboration between Bay Area Book Artists, Paperworks, and San Diego Book Arts. In the Fall of 2020 members from each organization created a total of 75 art books which they exchanged between each other via mail. During a year of social distancing the Traveling Book Project connected artists across state lines through camaraderie and artistry.