Instructor: Suzanne Glémot ( artist bio )
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Date: June 21, 2025
Time: Pacific Time, 9 AM – 1:30 PM, including a 30-minute break; classroom doors open at 8:50 AM
Skill Level: ALL
Class Description:
The four-flap wrapper is a staple of book preservation practices. It
offers protection to worn and damaged books using few materials at a relatively low cost.
The “tuxedo” wrapper, as it is also known, can be overlooked as an accessible enclosure — but has a great deal of artistic potential, especially for prints, books, photographs, and drawings.
In this online workshop, students will follow along with a live demo to make a tuxedo-
style wrapper, complete with a self-locking flap. In the second part of the class, we’ll also look at how to make:
● a flat, envelope-like wrapper,
● a wrapper closing mechanism made with buttons and braided thread,
● and, we’ll cover the use of cutting and layering as a way to introduce decorative
elements to the wrapper.
The class will dive into materials, adhesives, and tools. We’ll explore paper/card stock
candidates for future projects, as well and other elements such as threads, tapes, and
cutting implements.
Class Kits: Class materials kits will be sent by the instructor. Shipping and kit costs are
included in the class price.*
Students will receive a kit containing:
Tools and Supplies:
The Tool List for class will be included in SDBA’s timely Welcome Letter.