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The mission of San Diego Book Arts is to serve as an educational and creative resource to advance the book as a vital contemporary art form.

About Us

San Diego Book Arts is open to everyone interested in the art of the book and serves as an educational and creative resource.

San Diego Book Arts was established by a group of book artists in 1996 following a presentation to the Artists Guild of the San Diego Museum of Art, and it was designated a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 1999. Membership has grown to over 300 people in over 5 countries, representing many different fields including artists, collectors, graphic designers, bookbinders, conservators, librarians, teachers, writers, and printmakers. For its members and interested individuals, SDBA publishes a bimonthly newsletter. Membership offers a reserved video library of virtual demonstrations and Tips and Tricks, along with discounts for class registrations.

With a spirit of service and commitment, dedicated volunteers have kept San Diego Book Arts running for over 25 years. The organization is governed by a Board of Directors with an Executive Committee and supported by a variety of consultants and specific task force Chairs.

This tax exempt educational organization’s Tax ID number is 33-0830433. All donations are tax deductible.

Executive Director

Nancy Kazanjian

Board of Directors

Rich Baker, Chair
Anne Holliday, Treasurer
Weldon Doran, Secretary

Jennifer Graves
Maria Rebelo
Carol Procopio
Melody Charno

Committee Chairpersons

Melody Charno, End Papers Editor – Publisher
Jennifer Graves, Membership

Nancy Kazanjian, Workshops
Maria Rebelo, Monthly Meetings