Spring Book Art Exhibition – Alight
We invite you to enter our Spring Book Art Exhibition, Alight. Please read through the following guidelines. We look forward to reviewing your entry.
We welcome your own interpretation of the theme in terms of content, format, structure, materials, and other elements that would constitute an artist book. To encourage innovation and fresh perspectives, partly in response to the exhibit space, the exhibit committee invites members to create/submit/reinvent works that will respond to the space and to the theme of Alight. We broadly interpret Alight as spring, light, flight, land and water, wings and trees, illumination and dreams, new beginnings and inspirations.
This curated exhibition will feature artist books created by SDBA members between 2022-2024 at the Rancho San Diego Library from May 3-June 29, 2024. All works will be hung from columns or walls in the exhibit space.
1. Style and size of art • This year we are encouraging artists to submit hanging book art work. Book art should not exceed 24 inches wide x 36 inches tall and be ready to hang. Books will also be evaluated by the curatorial committee according to their viability, craft and representation of the theme.
2. Only members of San Diego Book Arts are eligible to enter. Entries that have been in previous SDBA exhibitions are not eligible. Only one entry per artist. Only 30-35 pieces will be selected through this open call due to limited space.
3. BOOK ART must have been created between 2022-2024 to be eligible.
You’ll need to include the following:
1. Please complete the attached pdf. Provide an Artist Bio, Submission Statement and title of image(s).
2. Submit 1-3 high-resolution images of your book by email. (Minimum 1, maximum 3 images. Image resolution at least 1024 x 768 pixels). Note: entering this competition constitutes an agreement that all images may be used by SDBA and the San Diego County Library for program, catalog or publicity purposes.
3. Please name your images using the following convention:
First Initial-Last Name-Title-number.jpg
Please use hyphens between words as indicated: e.g. J-Doe-MyBook-1.jpg
Please email your completed pdf and images to: sdbaexhibit@gmail.com
Please use subject line: Alight/2024 Entry
Note: applications will only be accepted by email. Entry due by April 5, 2024 by midnight. Late entry and/or an entry without a complete application will not be accepted. We will notify all artists by April 12, 2024. A loan agreement, contract and delivery details will be provided to you only if your work is accepted.